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Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Shedd School still serves its purpose

I remember many days spend in Shedd's cramped library. The books I remember checking out of the library under a man named Mr. Hackenbrock were mainly sports books - usually old books with black & white photographs underlying the sports of basketball, baseball, hockey or even boxing also a book showing how to draw animals. 

During our library period we also played computer games on IBM computers carted out into our gym/library. These were some fun interesting days.

What if I told on Shedd's lot there is a box full of books where you're allowed to leave a book and you can take a book. These types of book boxes exist throughout the city and its located on the playset on 99th Street. So adults and youth alike can come up to Shedd at anytime to entertain themselves or otherwise educate themselves outside of a classroom.

I snapped a few shots when dropping off books there. 

There is no longer a cramped library inside the school since it's been closed but you can still pick up a book or leave a book by Shedd School (at 200 E. 99th Street) anytime.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

WTTW: Segregation and Racial Barriers on Chicago's South Side

Last week WBEZ's Natalie Moore was on WTTW's Chicago Tonight to talk about her book The South Side: A Portrait of Chicago and American Segregation. The book is based on her experience, but it discusses how segregation on the south side shapes our city. Have you read Moore's book?

UPDATE @ 11:33 AM The Tribune did an article discussing Moore's book earlier this month.