9th Ward Community Meeting This WILL be the last townhall for the year Tuesday, September 24, 2024 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM Pullman Presbyterian Church 550 E. 103rd Street 773.785.1100
Oh wait don't forget about the Alderman's Residential Night posted on his website ward09.com.
Alderman Beale will host Residential Night every Monday between 4:30 PM and 6:30 PM. Residents are welcome to walk in and meet with the Alderman, one on one on a "first come, first served basis".
**Please call BEFORE arrival**
Attendees must have a government-issued ID with a 9th Ward address.
Residential night is for residential concerns.
All business inquiries must go through the Greater Roseland Chamber of Commerce.
There will NOT be an December Community Meeting
Ald. Beale's ward office is located at
34 E. 112th Place Chicago, IL 60628 773.785.1100 773.785.5849
This is what you would've found on the vacant lot at 115th & Michigan perhaps before the mid-2000s at least.
Of course as you can see by the cars here, this is a vintage photograph. Coffee Pot is likely in the foreground. And then the National grocery store you see in the background here.
Once the Red Line is built in this area, here's hoping we can have this block brought back to life again in the future. Retail, restaurants, hopefully some other services.
[VIDEO] Just found this video this morning and discusses some thing I knew was going to happen.
For example we know that bus service through the affected areas of the Red Line extention will change. Bus routings will either be combined, extended or even eliminated. So the proposed routings we see here such as extending buses into Indiana aren't very likely.
I would like to see more utilization of Metra Electric service especially within those areas that won't be directly served by CTA extension. Especially in the South Chicago/South Shore area and certainly going into West Pullman and Blue Island - further west.
And transit oriented development. I don't know about developing high density projects. High rises for example or even developing say a new neighborhood. Roseland and Altgeld Gardens aren't very desirable areas anyway.
I would say the lot at 115th/Michigan - where a stop will be located would be a great possibility for a multi-use development. I'm thinking certainly housing and retail - perhaps another grocery store and certainly businesses with the commuter in mind. So I think in that area that's a possibility of developing something that might work for the area.
Also I'd be curious how the YouTuber - BurjTransit - gets these numbers 38,000 riders are expected to use this extension once it's online. However, it's more likely that 6,000 rides would utilize the services. I'm sure the 38K comes from CTA's projection itself.
However, let's note as he had that the Red Line ridership hasn't been great post-pandemic. CTA as a whole has issues as far as rail service and certainly if you've had to take a bus anywhere in recent years.
What are your thoughts on the CTA extension? What do you think it would bring to this part of Chicago's south side?
[VIDEO] The work is starting and while the funding for this project isn't yet secured, I'm still hoping to ride the first trains past 95th Street in the near future. For now, construction crews are preparing to work on utilities and possible demolish properties along the extension.
This pic is south of 111th Street & Michigan during the 1960s.
The building where the JC Penney was located is still standing. The Gately Store across the street, however, was demolished after it suffered a devastating fire. And the Herman's Army Surplus store the building where that was located is also demolished.
I like seeing these pics of a South Michigan Avenue in Roseland as a vibrant shopping area. If you could have any other store take up shop in this building what store would you like to see?
I found this pic in the FB group Roseland History in a posting asking if anyone remembers the elevator operator. A job that we don't hear a lot about these days.
There's some good information at Concerned Citizens of Chatham. And hopefully it's something you could use. Starting with a coming job fair on May 6, 2024 at the old Target store 11841 S. Marshfield which is currently the Blue Cross Blue Shield Morgan Park facility.
Blue Cross Blue Shield Morgan Park is having OPEN interviews hiring on the spot Monday, May 6, at 10am. *Bring updated resumes (copies).
*Google "STAR Interview" which will help you prepare for the interview.
Customer Advocate I is the position. Duties: speaking with members regarding insurance needs.
*Interview question examples: They will ask the question what would you do in a situation where you had to help someone? How you would you work to resolve matters? *Again, google for examples.
Bring a nice personality, a smile and speak to everyone you come in contact with at the office. *Dress code: Business casual.
Also mark your calendars on June 1, 2024 a Shred Day is being hosted by State Sen. Elgie Sims and County Commissioner Stanley Moore at 8233 S. Princeton Ave.
If you've never heard of Mr. Clevan Tucker, he was the longtime President of the Roseland Heights Community Association. In addition he was also a former CPS teacher and a small business owner. He passed away late in the month of March
He was known to me as person interested in the issues of Abbot Park, which is the local park at 95th & Michigan. He was at one point on the Advisory Council there, and he became President of the RHCA at some point in the last decade.
Mr. Tucker was very good at getting information out and you would be well versed in neighborhood issues if you were on his many email blasts. He most certainly will be missed.
My apologies for not noting this sooner. His funeral occurred on April 12, 2024 and sadly I wasn't able to attend. However, it was important for me to not let the month of April go by without acknowledging his transition and his accomplishments.
Thanks to the acting president of the Roseland Heights Community Association for allowing me to share information on Mr. Tucker.