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Saturday, July 29, 2023

ABL: DANGEROUS Illegal Aliens THREATEN Black Chicago Residents!


[VIDEO] Anthony Brian Logan isn't a Chicago resident and allow me to make that clear, he is one of those citizen YouTube personalities who talk about what's going on in the world. He's talking about Chicago and the issues of one neighborhood - particularly Woodlawn - and their issues with the migrants who have taken up residence at a neighborhood school Wadwsorth Elementary.

So he looks at a report from our local CBS affiliate WBBM-TV or CBS 2 Chicago and listen to resident comments towards city officials which include a deputy mayor, a deputy police superintendent, and an Alderman in this case Jeanette Taylor. Of course the town hall got heated though it underscores in some respects how unhappy some people in this city are with these migrants coming into their neighborhoods.

The other day I was walking around the Streeterville neighborhood, and I do believe it was noted in the WBBM-TV report. And near the intersection of St. Clair & Ohio there's a hotel there and you see these migrants (presumably I might add) just standing around loitering near the hotel and in a nearby alley. That alley is next door to a Dunkin Donuts. I'm amazed that this going on one block away from Michigan Avenue - the Magnificient Mile.

Just so that you might not be persuaded solely by the commentary offered by ABL, I will share links to the WBBM-TV report both video and a written report from the Hyde Park Herald.  [VIDEO]

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

2nd City Cop blog is back!

2nd City Cop

On July 1st they returned to service, if you want to see the perspective of anonymous sworn Chicago Police officers check out 2nd City Cop. They stopped posting and made their blog private on January 13, 2021 due to concerns with using the Google-owned Blogger platform. I only wonder what changed by July of this year.

How many of you out there read that blog?

Monday, July 10, 2023

Op-ed: Gun violence dominates the news, but is crime out of control in Chicago

Something for you to read regarding Chicago crime, if you can get past the Chicago Tribune paywall perhaps it's worth reading.

h/t CapFax that provides an excerpt if you can't get poast the paywall.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

4th of July violence

 To be honest I don't really want to add to the perception that Chicago is a dangerous place. Late last month a group of teens converged in the north side's Lakeview neighborhood and the stories became that neighborhood was destroyed. I'm sure there was damages to property whether a car, a bus or a storefront that was a bit of a stretch. Though behavior that resulted in property damages or any injuries or concern for safety is unacceptable.

So anyway, I want to share a couple of videos with regards to the 4th of July violence and we can start with WGN which reported 61 shot with 15 fatal over the past holiday weekend. [VIDEO]