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Friday, June 21, 2024

CBS Chicago: Advance work to begin for Chicago's Red Line Extension project


[VIDEO] The work is starting and while the funding for this project isn't yet secured, I'm still hoping to ride the first trains past 95th Street in the near future. For now, construction crews are preparing to work on utilities and possible demolish properties along the extension.

Friday, June 7, 2024

J.C. Penney in Roseland #fbf

This pic is south of 111th Street & Michigan during the 1960s.

 The building where the JC Penney was located is still standing. The Gately Store across the street, however, was demolished after it suffered a devastating fire. And the Herman's Army Surplus store the building where that was located is also demolished.

 I like seeing these pics of a South Michigan Avenue in Roseland as a vibrant shopping area. If you could have any other store take up shop in this building what store would you like to see? 

 I found this pic in the FB group Roseland History in a posting asking if anyone remembers the elevator operator. A job that we don't hear a lot about these days.