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Tuesday, March 19, 2024
NBC Chicago: State's Attorney's race
Saturday, February 17, 2024
IL Channel - Cook County Dem State's Attorney candidates, a choice not an echo
[VIDEO] We see Public Affairs host Jeff Berkowitz discuss the race for Cook County State's Attorney - Kim Foxx the sitting State's Attorney is not running for re-election.
Eilenn Burke and Clayton Harris are Democrats running to replace Kim Foxx. Former Alderman Bob Fioretti is running as a Republican. And Berkowitz points out that there is a Libertarian running also, Andrew Charles Kopinski.
Earlier this month there was a debate between the two Democrat candidates for State's Attorney. You can watch that here if you didn't see it the first time.
The primary election is March 19, 2024. This year in addition to Cook County State's Attorney we're voting for President, so in March we vote in a presidential primary for the candidate to stand for election in November 2024. Of course we vote for a Republican or Democrat committeeman err committeeperson. In addition to voting our respective state legislators, county judges, etc.
Check out to see who's on your ballot when you vote.
Also, early voting is paused due to court order. A judicial candidate is to be kicked off a ballot!
Early voting had started on February 15, 2024. However, as soon as it's open again that news will be shared here on this blog.
Monday, October 11, 2021
WGN: City leaders, council members debate ShotSpotter use
[VIDEO] There is further debate over whether or not ShotSpotter technology is effective in the city at curbing violence. In his report Paul Lisnek, especially notes the spat between Mayor Lori Lightfoot and State's Attorney Kim Foxx on a shooting that took place on the west side where no charges were filed citing "mutual combat". Neither Lightfoot nnor Foxx haven't polled very well on the issue of crime and what happened on the West Side over a week ago probably didn't help their poll numbers.
Supt. David Brown is seen in this report defending ShotSpotter in a city council hearing noting how in using the technology they were able to find wounded victims. Regardless the debate is over whether or not this technology has been a great help in gun violence in high crime areas.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
The Cook County State's Attorney Race
#IngrahamAngle I hate to say it John Catanzara, but I doubt most of Chicago or Cook County knows who Kim Foxx's Republican opponent is. Who is he? Where is he?— The Sixth Ward (@TheSixthWard) July 22, 2020
I found this article from March 2020 discussing the Republican opponent Pat O'Brien a former judge who was elected as such as a Democrat in 2006
After cruising through the GOP primary Tuesday, O’Brien outlined his plans to beat incumbent Democrat Kim Foxx in a live-streamed news conference, thanking his family, friends and “everyone who voted against Kim Foxx.”This article noted that it's been almost 25 since a Republican had been elected Cook County State's Attorney. I vaguely remember him, he was a man named Jack O'Malley. Perhaps some of you remember those "Back Jack" political ads from back in the day.
“We really have to clean up the mess that she’s made,” O’Brien said, not even a minute into his remarks. “I think we have to restore justice to the community. We have to make it safer for people in all of the kinds of activities that they do, and we have to remember that the state’s attorney’s duty is to protect the victims of crime.”
O’Brien said he’s taken a hard look at the state’s attorneys office, and while he sees Foxx’s handling of the Jussie Smollett case as “a violation of oath and a lack of integrity” he said the office is “under producing in other areas.”
The former judge said that under Foxx’s administration, fewer than 200 jury trials have been held in 15 felony courtrooms, which works out to less than four trials per courtroom each year. He said that from the 1980s until the first decade of this century that number was much higher. He also said Foxx has “lost more trials and gun cases than she’s won in each of the three years” and called for quicker trials.
Either way, 2020 has proven to be an odd year in a variety of ways. We got this pandemic and this unrest over racial injustice. I thought Trump could be re-elected President and right now he's limping because of those two ongoing crises. Perhaps a Republican could win the State's Attorneys office this year.
However, Cook County seemed to have trended more and more Democrat over the years and since O'Brien seems to have hardly campaigned since his primary I don't see a change in Cook County. Then again who knows time will tell..
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
#alvarezisgone 2016 primary elections
via @toy4dst ig |
Not that I had been all over this, but aside from Donald Trump winning this state in his bid for the Republican nomination for President - the same with Hillary Clinton, btw. Also with longtime Congressman Bobby Rush beating his challenger Ald. Howard Brookins tonight. We have this.
I consider her response to a question about guns when Anita Alvarez first ran for Cook County State's Attorney. Her performance on 60 Minutes discussing Chicago being the false confession capital. And then the protests following the release of a video of a fatal confrontation with Laquan McDonald.
I share the pic above not only here but to our ig page just to share that someone is happy about Tuesday night's victory for the new Democratic nominee for State's Attorney Kim Foxx.
BTW, I have wondered people in other parts of the country and as it turns out suburban Cook County get those "I voted" stickers. Why don't we? DNA Info answers and unfortunately it took a few people to ruin it for everyone else as it turns out. :(