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Showing posts with label chicago politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chicago politics. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

NBC Chicago: State's Attorney's race

[VIDEO]As you may know the incumbent State's Attorney Kim Foxx has opted not to run for a second term. And the two likely successors are in a close race to replace her former Cook County prosecutor Clayton Harris III & former Judge Eileen O'Neill Burke. Below are the results as I wrote this post.

This was in interesting discussion that was had in the above clip from NBC Chicago which included former IL GOP state house minority leader Jim Durkin who had considered throwing his hat into the race on the Republican side. However, he concluded that he would be running a more challenging race where he'd have to answer for the now Republican nominee for President Donald Trump. He would state for the record that he's not a Trump supporter and that he opposes him but he knows instead of saying what he could bring to the State's Attorney office he'd have to answer any possible connections that could be made with former President Trump.

Regardless though it's an obvious conclusion, Cook County is a solidly Democrat county and most likely any Republican would have a tough time here. Perhaps who might head the ticket in a Presidential Race might prove to be a huge issue in the long run.

Let's open up the discussion here. How did you vote in the State's Attorney race? Is crime an important issue? You think either Burke or Harris have different approaches to the crime issue in Chicago?

Monday, March 18, 2024

Write-in for Ward 9 Democrat Committeeman

 Actually it's "commiteeperson" but that just sounds awful like "alderperson," yuck!

Anything it's unusual to see two flyers for the volunteer, elected position of ward committeeperson, committeeman, or committeewoman which is up for election on Tuesday, March 19th, 2024 (wait that's this coming Tuesday) in time for our state's presidential primary. On top of that both the incumbent Committeeman is one Ald. Anthony Beale and his opponent ran against him last year for Alderman Cleopatra Draper. Both of these flyers show that both are seeking write-in votes.


Granted in the last few years, the committeeman err sorry committeeperson ewww spot doesn't have the importance it used to. Historically when Chicago had its strong political machine, the committeeman was a very important - and especially the Democrat committeeman - position for getting out the vote. And perhaps doling out political patronage, anyone is free to correct me if I'm not entirely correct on this.

However, for both candidates to chase write-in votes this year? What happened?

I can't believe an incumbent Alderman couldn't get enough votes to secure a spot on this ballot for this position. Ms. Draper, I think I understand her though she was on the ballot for Alderman err sorry Alderperson yuck last year. This year in 2024 what gives why are both candidates chasing write-in votes?

2024 is already being set up as an usual election we know former President Donald Trump has snapped up the GOP nomination. So you may want to vote against him in this state if you pull a Republican ballot, it really doesn't matter. And never mind the confusing attempt to use the 14th Amendment to keep him off the ballot not just here but in Vermont and Colorado for example.

As far as the incumbent President in Joe Biden unless something weird happens he'll probably be the Democrats choice in November and I'm not sure who's on the ballot against him in Illinois. I do wish it was a Kennedy though it seems he's choosing to run as an independent.

Regardless as we consider other offices beyond committeeperson or President this year. What we may see at the top of our ballots in November will be two former presidents in a rematch of the 2020 race.

However, we have to get through the primary this coming Tuesday, March 19, 2024. If you haven't voted early go ahead and do that on Monday, March 18, 2024.

I also hope you all had a safe and fun St. Patrick's Day 🍀