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Showing posts with label activism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label activism. Show all posts

Saturday, February 7, 2015

9th ward action...

[VIDEO] Before I note once again the two candidates forums today, I wanted to share with you this recent video from 9th ward candidate Michael LaFargue. He is hoping to take the Alderman seat of current Alderman Anthony Beale.

LaFargue - currently President of the West Chesterfield Community Association - does a video featuring his background. He also features some of the other community activists and business owners of the 9th ward.

This includes Eddie Davis of Bass Furniture - 11431 South Michigan Avenue - who commented on the shopping mall that we recently noted here. The shopping mall that was once located at 115th/Michigan was demolished during the course of the last decade. Davis claimed the closure and demolition of this mall has hurt other nearby businesses.

It's a long video of roughly 15 minutes. Anything said in this video sway your vote?

Todays candidate forums for 9th ward candidates
  • NAACP candidates forum with 9th Ward candidates scheduled for 1 PM
    Simeon High School
    8147 S. Vincennees
    Also noted on this blog

    Monday, January 12, 2015

    Follow-up to Dec. 15, 2014 Shedd School meeting

    Closed Shedd School @ 200 E. 99th St.
    Sharon Banks-Pincham is not only a resident of West Chesterfield, she is also an local school council member at Harlan Community Academy who I've had the chance to meet when I attended LSC meetings there. She sent me an e-mail regarding what happened at the Shedd School meeting with 9th Ward Alderman Anthony Beale on December 15, 2015. For additional context here is a link to the notice that I had recieved via e-mail not long before that meeting.

    DNA Info did their own follow-up from that meeting we shared that here.
    • Every e-mail I received indicated it was open to the public. As you know, I am LSC Community Rep for Harlan and Gillespie. I do have contact with Roseland Heights as it relates to Harlan. In addition, I am a member of the Far South Community Action Council, the Education Committee for the 34th Legislative District and a member of the Education Village Keepers (EdVK). I responded by going to the meeting, arrived at the appointed time and even had a first year college student with me who is interested in going into politics. (Home from college on Christmas break).

      After we were all seated in the basement of the office, I was beckoned by Mr. Tucker to the stairs. He stated that Mr. Beale had an issue with my being there because I do not reside in Roseland Heights.

      I did not understand, so I did go upstairs to speak to the alderman's staff. Ms. Vanessa Brown, very gruffly stated that the meeting was for Roseland Heights residents only and I would have to leave. I explained to Ms. Brown my affiliations and my concern regarding the plans for Shedd.

      (Now, I want you to remember that on your notification, it stated that a presenter at this meeting would be Education Village Keepers/EdVK)

      At this point, the President of EdVK, Dr. Carmen Palmer, came into the office and was also told that she was not allowed in the meeting by Ms. Brown because she did not live in Roseland Heights. Dr. Palmer pointed out that she had been invited as a presenter, did have family property in Roseland Heights which she pays taxes on every year. Ms. Brown became more hostile and then closed a gate to the basement to further avoid our entry.

      I did not want to cause the meeting to be canceled due to the alderman's ridiculous request because I believe Roseland Heights did need to know the rationale for Alderman Beale to renege on his word regarding having community input for the use of Shedd. (He did share that promise at a Far South CAC meeting in October).

      The following day was the Far South CAC's regular December meeting. During that meeting, a representative of the alderman's office shared with other CAC members that two of the CAC members attempted to disrupt a meeting at his office and police had to be called.

      This is a disgrace and a shame. When the alderman has a meeting where all notices state that the meeting is open to the community and then restricts members of the community from attending.

      And, Levois, to let you know we were specifically targeted, Darnell Macklin, republican committeeman for the 6th ward, remained in the meeting after Dr. Palmer and I were ejected. Also, the student who came with me was ejected.

      I do like Darnell so my reference to him is not implying anything except that this was a targeted strike by the alderman. Petty and divisive.

    Friday, December 19, 2014

    DNA Info: Residents Rip CPS' Rejection of Private School's Offer To Buy Vacant School

    Levois J of The Sixth Ward :P
    So the fight continues over what to do with the closed Shedd School - 200 E. 99th St. Shedd was closed in 2013 due to declining enrollment having been used as a branch of the larger Bennett School located at 10115 S. Prairie Ave.

    Recently there was a meeting held at the office of 9th Ward Alderman Anthony Beale. It was advertised here on Saturday and this DNA Info article discusses the debate over the sale of Shedd.

    The neighborhood of Roseland Heights had been in support of a religious school ultimately moving into the former school apparently CPS accepted the bid of a real estate developer. Needless to say the leaders of the Roseland Heights Community Association wasn't too happy about this development. Here's why:
    In fact, Patricia Hernandez, an official with CPS' Department of Procurement, told the group that Shedd's sale wasn't technically part of those being repurposed in the June 2013 closings. Therefore, "soliciting community input is not required or incorporated into this process," a Dec. 9 email to the Roseland group states.

    The email stated that the district was required by law to take the highest bidder.

    "If that is true, why did they tell the Rescue Missionary School something different?" Tucker asked. "Why did they say they needed community approval?"

    CPS officials did not address that in Wednesday's statement but said that the district did have the discretion to resolicit bids if necessary. They said, however, that community input will not be required in the process going forward.
    This article mentioned in passing the meeting that took place with Alderman Beale regarding Shedd School. He had been quoted in that article but hopefully someone out there will let us know what happened at that meeting. And hopefully some updates regarding the rebid for Shedd School.

    Wednesday, November 19, 2014

    No kid hungry

    [VIDEO] NOTE: The video above is a preview for the documentary Hunger Hits Home. You can watch the documentary directly from the Food Network website via the VIDEO link in the brackets.

    I saw a few minutes of this documentary on the Food Network this morning. This is an ongoing concern here in these United States where we're concerned about our young people struggling with hunger.

    While this blog hasn't consistently tackled this issue we have posted about it on occassion. What was shared here at one point was an appearance on C-Span's Washington Journal was actor Jeff Bridges and Bill Shore talking about hunger in America.

    In my mind yeah hunger is an issue but so is health. We want to teach our young people to eat healthy and that's as important as ensuring that they have something to eat.

    BTW, over the years I have been tempted to share programs from Whole Foods Market to help schools start gardens. I know that they're not the only player as far a grocery stores in this activism. Perhaps to help not only the issue of hunger but of nutrition there are ways to attack this issue as well.

    Wednesday, June 18, 2014

    DNA Info: Morehouse College Graduate Seeks To Become Chicago's Youngest Alderman

    Corey Hardiman by DNA Info Wendell Hutson
    I wrote about this young man this past March when he brought a group of students from his alma mater - as a graduating senior at that point - to the south side of Chicago for a spring break service project. Now he wants to unseat 9th Ward Alderman Anthony Beale and DNA Info profiles the recent college graduate:
    "I know people may think I am too young and inexperienced and that I won't be able to raise enough money to put fourth a good fight but that's what they said (in 2008) about President Barack Obama," Hardiman told DNAinfo Chicago Monday. "If he was able to do it then so can I."

    The aspiring politician, who is a member of Salem Baptist Church, said he is scheduled to speak at 6 p.m. Monday to residents at the Altgeld Gardens public housing complex on the far South Side, which is part of the 9th Ward.

    "I am going to speak to residents to let them know their opinion matters to me and I want to hear their concerns regardless if they are a registered voter or not," Hardiman said. "Ever since I graduated from high school I have always wanted to enter politics to make a difference in my community."

    In 2010 after graduating from George Corliss High School as a Gates Millennium Scholar, where Beale is also an alumnus, Hardiman predicted at Mayor Richard M. Daley's annual interfaith breakfast at U.S. Cellular Field that he would run for mayor after finishing college.

    "Well, maybe I was aiming too high at the time," Hardiman said. "But I certainly think it is a realistic goal."

    Among the biggest issues facing the ward, Hardiman said, is public safety, education and economic development. While he praised Beale, 46, for "finally" getting a Walmart store in the ward, he said much more needs to be done on an economic level.

    "If we could get President Obama's library to the far South Side that would create unlimited opportunities economically," Hardiman said. "Gone are the 'ma and pa' businesses in the 9th Ward and we need to bring back those small, family-owned businesses."
    Here's an FB page if you wish to follow his campaign for 9th Ward Alderman.

    Tuesday, May 27, 2014

    CSU Presidential Library Support Requested

    We were aware of some meetings regarding the future Barack Obama Presidential Library as it pertains to Chicago State University. While Mayor Rahm Emanuel is encouraging a single bid for the city to become home to a library many sites in Chicago are seeking one especially the President's former employer University of Chicago.

    You can check out Curbed Chicago's coverage of Obama's Presidential Library Chicago State's bid for the library. The contents of the e-mail you will see below.

    Our 95th Street Panel of Development,Business Development Coordinator, Michael LaFargue, asks each you to write a letter of support from your POD, business, church or block club... in support of a presidential library being build at CSU. Original letters, not form letters are requested.

    Chicago State University Presidential Library LETTERS OF SUPPORT

    Write and Mail To:
    • Dr. Wayne Watson
      c/o The President's Office
      Chicago State University
      9501 South King Drive
      Chicago, Illinois 60628-2123

    • wwright @
      Wanda Wright, Director Community Relations

    ALSO, Please CSU Presidential Library Online Petition:
    Library Petition is on the Menu to the left i.e. "show your support"!!

    Tuesday, April 8, 2014

    LSC elections & thoughts on the state of education

    Monday and Tuesday are days for LSC Elections. Monday was LSC election for elementary schools and Tuesday are such days for the high schools.
    It was my intention to post the above flyer over the weekend unfortunately it seems I kept running into a snag with regards to posting it online whether through Blogger or the FB page. Anyway if you're living at least in the Roseland Heights or West Chesterfield area you may have found this in your screendoors or mailboxes. Sharon Banks-Pincham represents the community on the LSCs for both Gillespie Elementary and Harlan Community Academy.

    Hopefully you were able to be informed of the LSC elections on Monday and were able to vote. Hopefully you're able to vote on Tuesday for LSC members at your local high schools.

    Speaking of education, on Monday Rich Miller of the Capitol Fax ranted about the state of education in Illinois. Many of us are concerned about the state of education in Chicago especially for the K-12 set. So he starts out with a piece comparing charter schools with the neighborhood public schools and states:
    Obviously, there’s very little difference here, which will cause some to scream “Then why do we need charter schools at all?”

    I make no apologies for disliking the industrial education model. I prefer choice. I think people ought to have choices.

    And, like with neighborhood schools, not all charter schools are meh. Some are quite good. Sometimes, experiments fail. We shouldn’t be afraid to experiment. What’s needed is an overall improvement in all schools.
     And then more food for thought. Miller opines about CPS CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett stated aim of ensuring 100% of graduating CPS students to be college-ready or college-bound:
    First of all, that’s just not true or else lots, lots more would be done to improve the schools. Secondly, this over-emphasis on taking tests (with the resultant uproar over what are likely quite meaningless results) and driving kids to attend college is philosophically wrong-headed, whether in Chicago or the suburbs or Downstate.

    * Don’t get me wrong here. I do not think kids should be discouraged from attending college, but why saddle a student with tens of thousands of dollars of debt just for the sake of having a so-so degree from a so-so university?

    Why not foster the development of more high schools, charter or otherwise, that focus on tech/trade careers? Do you know how much operating engineers make?

    * When a system’s entire focus is “100 percent college-bound” you’re not giving students nearly enough choices. Period.
    Teach them to be good citizens. Teach them how to comprehend language and to do math. But give them choices in how to get there.
    What direction do you think education policy should go?

    Thursday, September 19, 2013

    What to do with the closed Shedd School building???

    Shedd School taken in April 2012
    While not part of the official closed schools list Shedd School, branch of Bennett Elementary School, had been closed down as of this year. While disappointing it probably shouldn't have been a huge surprise.

    Having attended many meetings of the Bennett-Shedd Local School Councils it was noted that there have been an enrollment decline attributed to families either moving from the area or wanting to take advantage of other educational options such as charter schools. Whatever affected Bennett also affected Shedd School as well.

    Whatever prompted this decision, Shedd School is now an empty building just like many around the city that have been closed in the past year mainly due to underutilization. Many communities affected are probably considering what they can do with these decommissioned school buildings. Can we afford to let them sit empty without a general use?

    Over at RAGE's FB page there was an article about how a Kansas City neighborhood has come to grips with this issue. They turned the school into a community center.

    If I recall correctly, this was something that was proposed by former 6th ward Ald. Freddrenna Lyle when unsuccessfully she ran for re-election back in 2011. Although in this case closing down schools hadn't yet found itself on the city let alone the 6th ward's radar. She proposed that when school is not in session that the buildings themselves be turned over to the community for their use.

    So we have plenty of closed school buildings throughout the city perhaps it's time to figure out a use for them or at the very least re-imagine a use for the land they sit on. Hopefully if enrollment doesn't turn around for Bennett in the next few years I could see Shedd School becoming at least the new meeting place for the Roseland Heights Community Association.

    Also, if you want to see one argument in favor of school closings here's one presented by Artistmac in one of his YouTube vids. This is added while recognizing that there are many who are still upset with the school closings this year.

    Finally, the pic below shows this sign posted to Shedd School's backdoor - where once upon a time students would line up before class convenes - announces that for the 2013-14 year all students will attend the sister school at Bennett Elementary. I have a couple of other pics with this one but they'll be shown in another post.

    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    Help CPS: External Affairs & Partnerships

    Discovered this website that provides information for individuals and groups to support Chicago's public schools. I was interested in information for starting an alumni/friends of organization for individual schools. Alas the link on that website was broken and instead I had to rely on to give me a glimpse.
    If you are interested in creating an Alumni Association or “Friends Of” group to support a CPS school, we can give you some ideas that will help you lay the foundation for a successful start. If you already have a group, we would love to know about your activities and help you promote your events when possible.

    A great resource for Alumni Associations and “Friends Of” groups is, where you can post information about events and fund raisers, and use the online donation page to accept credit card donations.
    Needless to say there's not much, however, this is something that may be beneficial an alumni or friends of organization. Let's hope that CPS is interested in encouraging the growth of such groups.