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Showing posts with label scans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scans. Show all posts

Monday, March 18, 2024

Write-in for Ward 9 Democrat Committeeman

 Actually it's "commiteeperson" but that just sounds awful like "alderperson," yuck!

Anything it's unusual to see two flyers for the volunteer, elected position of ward committeeperson, committeeman, or committeewoman which is up for election on Tuesday, March 19th, 2024 (wait that's this coming Tuesday) in time for our state's presidential primary. On top of that both the incumbent Committeeman is one Ald. Anthony Beale and his opponent ran against him last year for Alderman Cleopatra Draper. Both of these flyers show that both are seeking write-in votes.


Granted in the last few years, the committeeman err sorry committeeperson ewww spot doesn't have the importance it used to. Historically when Chicago had its strong political machine, the committeeman was a very important - and especially the Democrat committeeman - position for getting out the vote. And perhaps doling out political patronage, anyone is free to correct me if I'm not entirely correct on this.

However, for both candidates to chase write-in votes this year? What happened?

I can't believe an incumbent Alderman couldn't get enough votes to secure a spot on this ballot for this position. Ms. Draper, I think I understand her though she was on the ballot for Alderman err sorry Alderperson yuck last year. This year in 2024 what gives why are both candidates chasing write-in votes?

2024 is already being set up as an usual election we know former President Donald Trump has snapped up the GOP nomination. So you may want to vote against him in this state if you pull a Republican ballot, it really doesn't matter. And never mind the confusing attempt to use the 14th Amendment to keep him off the ballot not just here but in Vermont and Colorado for example.

As far as the incumbent President in Joe Biden unless something weird happens he'll probably be the Democrats choice in November and I'm not sure who's on the ballot against him in Illinois. I do wish it was a Kennedy though it seems he's choosing to run as an independent.

Regardless as we consider other offices beyond committeeperson or President this year. What we may see at the top of our ballots in November will be two former presidents in a rematch of the 2020 race.

However, we have to get through the primary this coming Tuesday, March 19, 2024. If you haven't voted early go ahead and do that on Monday, March 18, 2024.

I also hope you all had a safe and fun St. Patrick's Day 🍀

Thursday, October 25, 2018

2019 race for 9th Ward Alderman #Ward09

Recently I procured a flyer for Paul Collins who is running for Alderman in Ward 9. He seeks to challenge Alderman Anthony Beale in 2019.
Visit his under construction website at and he also has a FB page Paul Collins for 9th Ward Aldermen

Friday, March 11, 2016

If you live in Chicago's 9th ward...

You may have received these palm cards from the Cook County Democratic Party in the mailbox which you are able to bring with you into the voting booth next Tuesday. One has a general listing for candidates the other one lists the judges you will vote for next week.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

9th ward mailers #Aldertrack

As we head into the final weekend of the 2015 municipal elections I would like to share with you two more mailers from Ald. Beale and opponent Ted Williams.
The first mailer is from Ald. Beale as he highlights his accomplishments which includes the recently announced Pullman National Park which has been considered political as President Obama presided over a recent ceremony at Brooks College Prep. Certainly this was a move to bolster the re-election of his former chief-of-staff Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
Also there's a mailer by Ted Williams that shows not oonly his background but also what he's dedicated to if he were elected Alderman of the 9th Ward.
Anything said by either candidate that would sway your vote on Tuesday?

Friday, February 13, 2015

Ald. Beale mailer part 4 #Aldertrack

This recent mailer by Ald. Anthony Beale highlighting his support for the reform of the red light camera program. He had been getting hit by his opponent Harold "Noonie" Ward for the red light camera tickets.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Ald. Beale mailer part 3 #Aldertrack

Slightly different mailer for Ald. Anthony Beale that the other two already posted. He highlights his support for various projects in the 9th ward such as the reconstruction of the CTA 95th terminal, city colleges' logistics hub, the Walmart and shopping center in Pullman, Method factory, and more affordable housing. Of course he highlights bringing to his ward new jobs with higher wages and fighting to raise the minimum wage.

Anything said in the flyer below sway your vote?

Friday, January 30, 2015

New Ald. Beale mailer #Aldertrack

We recently received this Beale flyer in the mail. It's similar to the last one, but makes slightly different points from the first one.

Also please don't forget about the DCP 9th ward forum at Progressive Church - 26 E. 127th St. - on Satuday at 2 PM.

Does the flyer below persuade you to give Beale one more term as 9th ward Alderman?

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

LSC elections & thoughts on the state of education

Monday and Tuesday are days for LSC Elections. Monday was LSC election for elementary schools and Tuesday are such days for the high schools.
It was my intention to post the above flyer over the weekend unfortunately it seems I kept running into a snag with regards to posting it online whether through Blogger or the FB page. Anyway if you're living at least in the Roseland Heights or West Chesterfield area you may have found this in your screendoors or mailboxes. Sharon Banks-Pincham represents the community on the LSCs for both Gillespie Elementary and Harlan Community Academy.

Hopefully you were able to be informed of the LSC elections on Monday and were able to vote. Hopefully you're able to vote on Tuesday for LSC members at your local high schools.

Speaking of education, on Monday Rich Miller of the Capitol Fax ranted about the state of education in Illinois. Many of us are concerned about the state of education in Chicago especially for the K-12 set. So he starts out with a piece comparing charter schools with the neighborhood public schools and states:
Obviously, there’s very little difference here, which will cause some to scream “Then why do we need charter schools at all?”

I make no apologies for disliking the industrial education model. I prefer choice. I think people ought to have choices.

And, like with neighborhood schools, not all charter schools are meh. Some are quite good. Sometimes, experiments fail. We shouldn’t be afraid to experiment. What’s needed is an overall improvement in all schools.
 And then more food for thought. Miller opines about CPS CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett stated aim of ensuring 100% of graduating CPS students to be college-ready or college-bound:
First of all, that’s just not true or else lots, lots more would be done to improve the schools. Secondly, this over-emphasis on taking tests (with the resultant uproar over what are likely quite meaningless results) and driving kids to attend college is philosophically wrong-headed, whether in Chicago or the suburbs or Downstate.

* Don’t get me wrong here. I do not think kids should be discouraged from attending college, but why saddle a student with tens of thousands of dollars of debt just for the sake of having a so-so degree from a so-so university?

Why not foster the development of more high schools, charter or otherwise, that focus on tech/trade careers? Do you know how much operating engineers make?

* When a system’s entire focus is “100 percent college-bound” you’re not giving students nearly enough choices. Period.
Teach them to be good citizens. Teach them how to comprehend language and to do math. But give them choices in how to get there.
What direction do you think education policy should go?