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Showing posts with label anthony beale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anthony beale. Show all posts

Monday, September 9, 2024

Last townhall for the year #Ward09

  •  9th Ward Community Meeting
    This WILL be the last townhall for the year
    Tuesday, September 24, 2024
    6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    Pullman Presbyterian Church
    550 E. 103rd Street

Oh wait don't forget about the Alderman's Residential Night posted on his website

Alderman Beale will host Residential Night every Monday between 4:30 PM and 6:30 PM. Residents are welcome to walk in and meet with the Alderman, one on one on a "first come, first served basis".

**Please call BEFORE arrival**

Attendees must have a government-issued ID with a 9th Ward address.

Residential night is for residential concerns.

All business inquiries must go through the Greater Roseland Chamber of Commerce.

There will NOT be an December Community Meeting

 Ald. Beale's ward office is located at

  • 34 E. 112th Place
    Chicago, IL 60628

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Summer Clear-Out Fair #Ward09

9th Ward - Summer Clear-Out Fair
Thursday, May 23, 2024
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Pullman Community Center
10355 S. Woodlawn

*Early arrival strongly suggested
  • Prescription drug disposal
  • electronic recycling
  • shredding
**All services are drive-thru only

Alderman Anthony A. Beal
9th Ward ✶ Chicago
(773) 785-1100

Monday, March 18, 2024

Write-in for Ward 9 Democrat Committeeman

 Actually it's "commiteeperson" but that just sounds awful like "alderperson," yuck!

Anything it's unusual to see two flyers for the volunteer, elected position of ward committeeperson, committeeman, or committeewoman which is up for election on Tuesday, March 19th, 2024 (wait that's this coming Tuesday) in time for our state's presidential primary. On top of that both the incumbent Committeeman is one Ald. Anthony Beale and his opponent ran against him last year for Alderman Cleopatra Draper. Both of these flyers show that both are seeking write-in votes.


Granted in the last few years, the committeeman err sorry committeeperson ewww spot doesn't have the importance it used to. Historically when Chicago had its strong political machine, the committeeman was a very important - and especially the Democrat committeeman - position for getting out the vote. And perhaps doling out political patronage, anyone is free to correct me if I'm not entirely correct on this.

However, for both candidates to chase write-in votes this year? What happened?

I can't believe an incumbent Alderman couldn't get enough votes to secure a spot on this ballot for this position. Ms. Draper, I think I understand her though she was on the ballot for Alderman err sorry Alderperson yuck last year. This year in 2024 what gives why are both candidates chasing write-in votes?

2024 is already being set up as an usual election we know former President Donald Trump has snapped up the GOP nomination. So you may want to vote against him in this state if you pull a Republican ballot, it really doesn't matter. And never mind the confusing attempt to use the 14th Amendment to keep him off the ballot not just here but in Vermont and Colorado for example.

As far as the incumbent President in Joe Biden unless something weird happens he'll probably be the Democrats choice in November and I'm not sure who's on the ballot against him in Illinois. I do wish it was a Kennedy though it seems he's choosing to run as an independent.

Regardless as we consider other offices beyond committeeperson or President this year. What we may see at the top of our ballots in November will be two former presidents in a rematch of the 2020 race.

However, we have to get through the primary this coming Tuesday, March 19, 2024. If you haven't voted early go ahead and do that on Monday, March 18, 2024.

I also hope you all had a safe and fun St. Patrick's Day 🍀

Saturday, August 19, 2023

#Ward09 events

A portion of future events received through email blasts from Ald. Anthony A. Beale flyers are below each bulleted event.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Join Ald. Beale to Rally in support of Paul Vallas #Ward09

This was sent to those who joined Ald. Beale's email blast list. As you know earlier this past week Ald. Beale who recently won re-election to his city council seat endorsed Paul Vallas for Mayor in the April 4, 2023 runoff.

The rally for Vallas will take place at the

  • Pullman Community Center
    10355 S. Woodlawn Ave
    Saturday, March 18, 2023
    From 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM


Thursday, March 16, 2023

Ald. Beale endorses Paul Vallas #ChiMayor23 #Ward09

 I found it in a tweet today and then found this BlockClubChi article.

Let's get to BlockClubChi Ald. Beale's name is buried with other members of the City Council who also endorsed Vallas recently. It was in the news that State Rep. Kam Buckner endorsed the other candidate in the April 4 runoff, County Commissioner Brandon Johnson.
The Vallas campaign announced support from several South and West Side City Council members and former Illinois Senate President Emil Jones.

Alds. Michelle Harris (8th), Anthony Beale (9th), David Moore (17th), Derrick Curtis (18th) and Emma Mitts (37th) will endorse Vallas Thursday afternoon in Chatham, his campaign said in a news release.

The run-off is on April 4, 2023, however, early voting is scheduled to start on March 20, 2023. 

Monday, February 27, 2023

Bereavement Notice #Ward09

 This was just sent in an e-mail blast by the office of Alderman Anthony A. Beale.  The email announced the death of Vanessa A. Brown who had been Ald. Beale's chief-of-staff for 24 years. I will offer my condolences to her friends and family.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Flyers for #Ward09 #ChicagoElections

 So far I haven't received any flyers from Cameron Barnes - whom I could call a very young upstart in this race. However I have two from Cleopatra Draper and three from incumbent Alderman Anthony Beale.

Let's start with Draper. She's hitting the incumbent Alderman Beale over a lack of grocery stores in the area. And I'm sure Beale will note the new grocery store coming to the Altgeld Gardens area and then let's not forget about Walmart which has a grocery section. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Block Club Chi: Longtime Far South Side Ald. Anthony Beale Faces 2 Challengers In 9th Ward Race

These are the three people who are running for Alderman in Ward 9.

Via Block Club Chi

And here is the start of the write-up:

Two hopefuls are trying to unseat one of City Council’s longest-serving members, aiming to bring new leadership to the Far South Side seat after more than two decades.

Cameron Barnes and Cleopatra Draper are challenging Ald. Anthony Beale in the 9th Ward race. Beale, first elected in 1999, is seeking his seventh term representing Chatham, Roseland, Pullman, Washington Heights, West Pullman and Riverdale.

Sonya Thompson Dorsey withdrew from the race in December after two residents challenged her signatures. Dorsey said she still plans to participate as a write-in candidate, she said.

The 9th Ward has seen increased development in the past several years, with new businesses like Lexington Betty Smokehouse and Culver’s. It’s also home to Pullman National Historical Park, which opened in 2021.

I see Barnes in this article wants to fight gentrification. Beale of course touts his accomplishments as the longtime incumbent in the 9th Ward. And then I really like this by Draper:

Draper’s goals are to revitalize the Roseland business district, bring better grocery stores to the area, improve housing stability and mental health facilities, fight “food apartheid” and tackle gun violence, according to her website.

“The goal is to revitalize the 9th Ward, the Far South region,” Draper said in a December YouTube video. “This is not just a singular race. This is to change and enhance the quality of life Black folks on the far South Side. We’ve been neglected for too long, and I’m not accepting another day to live in a food desert, a medical desert, transportation desert, child care desert. Where and in what form or fashion is that community?”

If elected, Draper also wants to bring essential services to South Michigan Avenue, create new and expand existing businesses and address public safety concerns, she said.

I'd like to see Michigan Avenue get some more investment. What's her plan?

Early voting has been going on since January 26, 2023 and will be going through election day February 28, 2023. 

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Sign theft? #Ward09


[VIDEO] I found this video via the YouTube channel Pullman Videos. Candidate Cleopatra Draper was caught on surveillance camera on 103rd & St. Lawrence stealing a sign for incumbent Ald. Anthony Beale. Being confronted by longtime Chicago political editor Mike Flannery (you may remember him from WBBM-TV now he's with FOX 32), Draper at first didn't want to talk about the incident. He shows her the footage, and it seems there have been other incidents of this.

According to the report there is surveillance footage of stealing campaign signs near his home  though Draper says she had nothing to do with that incident. Beale is in the report himself saying someone found some signs in the trash ion 73rd Street.

Oh and I forgot Draper after having to answer for this, she considered that one sign she did take as garbage.

Is this typical political hijinks?

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

CBS Chicago: City council approves funding for CTA Red Line extension


[VIDEO] Here are a few more details from Crain's, this TIF was noted in a recent CTA video about the future extension from 95th Street to 130th Street.

The City Council on Wednesday approved the creation of a new tax-increment financing district to create $950 million over three decades to help pay for the $3.6 billion extension of the Chicago Transit Authority's Red Line from 95th Street south to 130th Street.

“Our community has been disconnected” from the city, said Ald. Anthony Beale, 9th, whose Far South Side ward will be home to much of the extended rail line. Beale, who’s a frequent critic of Mayor Lori Lightfoot, thanked the mayor for pushing for the TIF to support the project.

The new TIF will capture future property tax growth within portions of five wards—the 3rd, 4th, 11th, 25th and downtown 42nd—to pay for land acquisition and other costs involved in the project.

The 5.6-mile extension plan also includes four new stations to be located at 103rd Street, 111th Street, Michigan Avenue (between 115th and 116th streets) and a new 130th Street terminal.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Resource Fair #Ward09

Ward 9 Ald. Anthony A. Beale in partnership with State Representatives Nicholas "Nick" Smith and Robert "Bob" Rita presents their 

9th Ward Resource Fair
Thur. October 27, 2022
From 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Pullman Community Center
10355 S. Woodlawn

If you're looking for a shred event the flyer below says all documents will be destroyed on site. Any questions about this event I would refer you to the Ward 9 service office, contact info on the flyer. Or you can check out their ward service office webpage.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

CBS Chicago: Ald. Beale hopes to vote for proposal to raise 6 MPH threshold for speeding tickets #Ward09


[VIDEO] First it was red light cameras giving out tickets now it's speeding camera tickets. The threshold for a speeding ticket before Mayor Lori Lightfoot changed it was 10 MPH now it got lowered to 6 MPH. Ward 9 Ald. Anthony Beale finds that change to just be a revenue grab and he wants to change it. We see what happened when he tried to move the proposal to the floor of the Chicago City Council.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

2022 Taste of Chicago & SummerDance in Pullman Park

 Something found on the fb page of Ald. Anthony Beale. This will take place on June 18, 2022 Pullman Park is located at 11101 S. Cottage Grove admission is free. Refer to flyer below

Also click this link which shows a far more comprehensive list of events and acts for June 18.

And allow me to add which is basically a link that sends you to a page about the Taste of Chicago from the city itself.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

9th Ward Summer Clean out fair June 16th

From Ald. Beale's fb page:

The 9th Ward's Annual Summer Clear Out Fair is June 16th! Shredding, electronic recycling, prescription pill disposal, and collection of any junk items will be accepted. Help us keep the community clean by disposing of your items the correct way.

  • Pullman Community Center
    10355 S Woodlawn
    Chicago, IL 60628
    Thursday, June 16, 2022
    10 AM to 2 PM 

Monday, December 6, 2021

Ward Remap 2021

 I wanted to share these maps with you to see the two proposals between the Chicago Coalition/Latino Caucus which is the map that Ald. Anthony Beale signed on to last week and then the Rules Committee/Black Caucus map that said Ald. Beale has an issue with.

Let's start with the City Council Rules Committee Map. I pointed out some geographical points to show what's where. West Chesterfield which is bounded by State to about 93rd Street to King Drive to 95th Street will be split between Wards 6 & 8. It's safe to say currently that area is in Ward 9 solidly.

Altgeld Gardens is drawn into Ward 10. Pullman which is a special concern for Ald. Beale appears to remain within Ward 9. Also where's Ward 34 well from what I've seen so far it's being drawn up near downtown. They pulled a Ward 2 on us this time around, in the last remap in 2011 they drew that ward out of the South Loop and drew it further north. As you see Ward 21 goes further south where 34 used to be and Ward 9 takes a little territory from 34 as well.

As for the Chicago Coalition map which is what Ald. Beale signed on with, especially as far as getting it up for a potential referendum next year. The only changes from the 2011 map is that Ward 6 is sent further west taking from 21 the Chatham Market mall and Simeon High School. Ward 21 again takes up most of what used to be Ward 34 and going further south. Ward 9 looks basically the same with Pullman and Altgeld Gardens with the boundaries and the ward goes all the way up to 87th Street between State and Cottage Grove.

We got basically two very different maps for this part of the south side. Perhaps some of you have your thoughts on these maps. Feel free to email us your thoughts it's in the sidebar.

Friday, December 3, 2021

CBS Chicago: City Council Rules Committee unveils their own draft ward map


[VIDEO] I haven't really covered that here on this blog but have delved into this in recent posts over at The Sixth Ward, perhaps you guys might want to talk about this there. I just felt it was necessary to share this blurb from WBBM-TV here on this blog.

I do want to share that Ald. Anthony Beale is unhappy with the politics of the map by the Rules Committee chaired by Ward 8 Ald. Michelle Harris. He was on WGN Radio a few days ago to talk about what's going on with the remap and how it affects him. Ald. Beale really wants to keep the Pullman area in his ward.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Block Club Chi: New Culver's restaurant in Pullman now hiring

 Culver's is a burger chain that has locations in Bronzeville near 33rd & King Drive and one in Evergreen Park near 95th & Kedzie. They're expanding into the historic south side neighborhood of Pullman. And they're seeking applicants.

Via Block Club Chicago:

The Culver’s will open in early November at 111th Street and Doty Avenue. The restaurant is seeking applicants to fill 60-70 full-time and part-time jobs.

“It’s important that we work in the community to provide people of all ages with new opportunities that offer the skills and experience,” Baron Waller, the owner and a mentor who grew up on Chicago’s West Side, said in a statement. “It is one of the best ways to build a brighter future.”

Although prior restaurant experience is a plus, it is not necessary. Interested applicants can apply on Culver’s website.
“We’re excited that Baron has chosen to bring Culver’s to the Pullman and Roseland community,” Ald. Anthony Beale (9th) said in a statement. “Culver’s will be a great addition to the community serving not only residents, but the visitors to the Pullman National Monument Visitor, the Pullman Community Center and employees of all the businesses in the area and more.”

Friday, September 24, 2021

#Ward09 Resource Fair - October 7, 2021

9th Ward Resource Fair
Thursday, October 7, 2021
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Pullman Community Center
10355 S. Woodlawn
Chicago, IL