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Showing posts with label South Side news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label South Side news. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2025

Hotel Florence walkthrough


[VIDEO] I just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year and right now it's very cold outside. It snowed yesterday morning and current temp as I write this post is 13°F. I hope you're staying warm.

If you're on your computer or even if you're able to see this on your "iPhone" - well any phone where you could surf the internet will do - you can warm up with this video.

I've always been fascinated by the Hotel Florence which I would frequently drive by when shopping at the Pullman Walmart. It would be cool if it was a functional hotel again, however, these days it's more or less a tourist attraction.

This YouTube channel known as Regal - South Side Metra Man goes on a tour of this historic building. Of course Pullman which is a nat'l monument is known for it's historic architecture and the history as a planned community and company town. And it's located right here in the 9th Ward on the far south side of Chicago.

Has anyone reading this toured this building and share their thoughts on it?

Friday, October 11, 2024

DO NOT SKIP school board races

 I found this on the FB page for Ward 15 Ald. Ray Lopez sharing this graphic of preferred candidates for the Chicago Board of Education. One of those names was highlighted yesterday Miquel Lewis, and this graphic is basically against the Chicago Teachers Union and Mayor Brandon Johnson.

It may explain the anti-Lewis mailer I shared with you yesterday.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Last townhall for the year #Ward09

  •  9th Ward Community Meeting
    This WILL be the last townhall for the year
    Tuesday, September 24, 2024
    6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
    Pullman Presbyterian Church
    550 E. 103rd Street

Oh wait don't forget about the Alderman's Residential Night posted on his website

Alderman Beale will host Residential Night every Monday between 4:30 PM and 6:30 PM. Residents are welcome to walk in and meet with the Alderman, one on one on a "first come, first served basis".

**Please call BEFORE arrival**

Attendees must have a government-issued ID with a 9th Ward address.

Residential night is for residential concerns.

All business inquiries must go through the Greater Roseland Chamber of Commerce.

There will NOT be an December Community Meeting

 Ald. Beale's ward office is located at

  • 34 E. 112th Place
    Chicago, IL 60628

Monday, July 22, 2024

Is the Red Line extension worth it?


[VIDEO] Just found this video this morning and discusses some thing I knew was going to happen.

For example we know that bus service through the affected areas of the Red Line extention will change. Bus routings will either be combined, extended or even eliminated. So the proposed routings we see here such as extending buses into Indiana aren't very likely.

I would like to see more utilization of Metra Electric service especially within those areas that won't be directly served by CTA extension. Especially in the South Chicago/South Shore area and certainly going into West Pullman and Blue Island - further west.

And transit oriented development. I don't know about developing high density projects. High rises for example or even developing say a new neighborhood. Roseland and Altgeld Gardens aren't very desirable areas anyway.

I would say the lot at 115th/Michigan - where a stop will be located would be a great possibility for a multi-use development. I'm thinking certainly housing and retail - perhaps another grocery store and certainly businesses with the commuter in mind. So I think in that area that's a possibility of developing something that might work for the area.

Also I'd be curious how the YouTuber - BurjTransit - gets these numbers 38,000 riders are expected to use this extension once it's online. However, it's more likely that 6,000 rides would utilize the services. I'm sure the 38K comes from CTA's projection itself.

However, let's note as he had that the Red Line ridership hasn't been great post-pandemic. CTA as a whole has issues as far as rail service and certainly if you've had to take a bus anywhere in recent years.

What are your thoughts on the CTA extension? What do you think it would bring to this part of Chicago's south side?

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Some of you may have gotten this in your mailbox recently

I found this flyer in my mailbox this week a short time before this event is to take place today regarding plans for the 95th Street Corridor.

Event details
  • Location: 
    The Chicago State University 
    Jones Convention Center
    9501 S. King Drive
  • Date & Time: 
    Wednesday, July 19, 2024
    From 6 PM to 8 PM
  • Doors open at 5:30 PM and light refreshments will be provided
Flyer is provided below

Friday, June 21, 2024

CBS Chicago: Advance work to begin for Chicago's Red Line Extension project


[VIDEO] The work is starting and while the funding for this project isn't yet secured, I'm still hoping to ride the first trains past 95th Street in the near future. For now, construction crews are preparing to work on utilities and possible demolish properties along the extension.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Summer Clear-Out Fair #Ward09

9th Ward - Summer Clear-Out Fair
Thursday, May 23, 2024
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Pullman Community Center
10355 S. Woodlawn

*Early arrival strongly suggested
  • Prescription drug disposal
  • electronic recycling
  • shredding
**All services are drive-thru only

Alderman Anthony A. Beal
9th Ward ✶ Chicago
(773) 785-1100

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Coming events: Job opportunity and a shred day

 There's some good information at Concerned Citizens of Chatham. And hopefully it's something you could use. Starting with a coming job fair on May 6, 2024 at the old Target store 11841 S. Marshfield which is currently the Blue Cross Blue Shield Morgan Park facility.

Blue Cross Blue Shield Morgan Park is having OPEN interviews hiring on the spot Monday, May 6, at 10am. *Bring updated resumes (copies).

*Google "STAR Interview" which will help you prepare for the interview.

Customer Advocate I is the position. Duties: speaking with members regarding insurance needs.

*Interview question examples:
They will ask the question what would you do in a situation where you had to help someone?
How you would you work to resolve matters?
*Again, google for examples.

Bring a nice personality, a smile and speak to everyone you come in contact with at the office. *Dress code: Business casual.

Also mark your calendars on June 1, 2024 a Shred Day is being hosted by State Sen. Elgie Sims and County Commissioner Stanley Moore at 8233 S. Princeton Ave.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Clevan Tucker R.I.P.

If you've never heard of Mr. Clevan Tucker, he was the longtime President of the Roseland Heights Community Association. In addition he was also a former CPS teacher and a small business owner. He passed away late in the month of March

He was known to me as person interested in the issues of Abbot Park, which is the local park at 95th & Michigan. He was at one point on the Advisory Council there, and he became President of the RHCA at some point in the last decade.

Mr. Tucker was very good at getting information out and you would be well versed in neighborhood issues if you were on his many email blasts. He most certainly will be missed.

My apologies for not noting this sooner. His funeral occurred on April 12, 2024 and sadly I wasn't able to attend. However, it was important for me to not let the month of April go by without acknowledging his transition and his accomplishments.

Thanks to the acting president of the Roseland Heights Community Association for allowing me to share information on Mr. Tucker.

My condolences to his family and friends.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Write-in for Ward 9 Democrat Committeeman

 Actually it's "commiteeperson" but that just sounds awful like "alderperson," yuck!

Anything it's unusual to see two flyers for the volunteer, elected position of ward committeeperson, committeeman, or committeewoman which is up for election on Tuesday, March 19th, 2024 (wait that's this coming Tuesday) in time for our state's presidential primary. On top of that both the incumbent Committeeman is one Ald. Anthony Beale and his opponent ran against him last year for Alderman Cleopatra Draper. Both of these flyers show that both are seeking write-in votes.


Granted in the last few years, the committeeman err sorry committeeperson ewww spot doesn't have the importance it used to. Historically when Chicago had its strong political machine, the committeeman was a very important - and especially the Democrat committeeman - position for getting out the vote. And perhaps doling out political patronage, anyone is free to correct me if I'm not entirely correct on this.

However, for both candidates to chase write-in votes this year? What happened?

I can't believe an incumbent Alderman couldn't get enough votes to secure a spot on this ballot for this position. Ms. Draper, I think I understand her though she was on the ballot for Alderman err sorry Alderperson yuck last year. This year in 2024 what gives why are both candidates chasing write-in votes?

2024 is already being set up as an usual election we know former President Donald Trump has snapped up the GOP nomination. So you may want to vote against him in this state if you pull a Republican ballot, it really doesn't matter. And never mind the confusing attempt to use the 14th Amendment to keep him off the ballot not just here but in Vermont and Colorado for example.

As far as the incumbent President in Joe Biden unless something weird happens he'll probably be the Democrats choice in November and I'm not sure who's on the ballot against him in Illinois. I do wish it was a Kennedy though it seems he's choosing to run as an independent.

Regardless as we consider other offices beyond committeeperson or President this year. What we may see at the top of our ballots in November will be two former presidents in a rematch of the 2020 race.

However, we have to get through the primary this coming Tuesday, March 19, 2024. If you haven't voted early go ahead and do that on Monday, March 18, 2024.

I also hope you all had a safe and fun St. Patrick's Day 🍀

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Clean out your closets for Rosemoor Community Association

Collection days coming up for March 2, 23, and April 6 & 13, 2024. 

Drop-off time 9 AM to 10:30 AM and on April 13 8 AM to 12:00 PM

Location St. John Parking Lot 10205 S. King Drive

Pickup available 10 bags or more upon request

Refer to flyer for more details

Questions? Contact Rosemoor Community Association office 773.264.0783

h/t Concerned Citizens of Chatham


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

CBS Chicago: Fire shutters iconic Calumet Fisheries smokehouse


[VIDEO] I don't recall ever visiting this place but I know this is a hot spot. 

Calumet Fisheries was in the news already for failing a health inspection, however, today there was a fire and that means it might be a while longer before they're back in business. CBS Chicago was on the scene to speak with a manager for this establishment. He says they will be back!

Amazing they've been in the same building since the 1920s and under the same ownership or at least the same family owners since the 1940s. Located on 95th just before crossing over the Calumet River bridge.

Has anyone ever been there? What do you think about the food they serve?

Monday, November 20, 2023

REVISIT: Where is Roseland Heights?

This was posted to The Sixth Ward Blog on March 5, 2012 not long after the ward remap at the time. The topic of Roseland Heights being recognized was a topic of discussion within the Roseland Heights Community Association then.

I attended the recent Roseland Heights Neighborhood Association meeting where they discussed a number of topics that affected that particular community. It could be about landscaping, street lighting, trash, fly dumping, parks, ect. But they devoted a lot of time to the recognition of Roseland Heights.

At their November meeting they devoted a lot of time to address the remap situation. One of the subjects that came up was the recognition of neighborhoods. Look at any current map of Chicago neighborhoods or even the community area maps and Roseland Heights (which is bounded by 95th on the north, Dan Ryan Expressway on the west, Bishop Ford/Calumet Expressway on the south, and King Drive on the east)  is not to be found. The maps are made up by the city, the community area maps were created originally by the University of Chicago, and another map made up by the real estate businesses.

The maps change when the city recognizes a particular area. They may also change when real estate people decide to distinguish an area from the surrounding area. For example you build some new houses in Englewood, you may not like the general reputation of Englewood so you would elect to give your development a new name. One that is marketable!

That may well have been the case in Roseland Heights but then that neighborhood organization has been in existence since at least 1956. So why is it that particular neighborhood isn't recognized at all?

But then apparently there is another thread. It seems on a past map - according to association president Clevan Tucker - Roseland Heights did exist. He was looking up information regarding Abbott Park and he threw out the names of Olympia Park or Champion Park and I'll just assume those are the original designation for Abbott Park near 95th & Michigan.

However old that map was, what happened between now and then where Roseland Heights lost their recognition? Oh and I forgot to add that Roseland Heights according to a neighborhood map provided by the city is considered part of Rosemoor. I took a detail of that map and put an image here.

Also notice the thin Strip of Roseland in light green that comes on the west up to 95th Street. The western part appears to be State Street and the eastern part is Michigan Avenue and then it widens out by 107th Street. The purple shade is Roosemoor which does include most of Roseland Heights and Chicago State University.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Peter Santenello: South Side Chicago


[VIDEO] If you are on social media you might be familiar with Shermann Dilla Thomas aka @6figga_dilla whom you may find on X/Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram. He takes YouTuber Peter Santenenello @petersantenello on YouTube on a tour of the South Side. Through the Bud Billiken Parade describing the history of the Bronzeville neighborhood into Auburn Gresham into Grand Crossing into Woodlawn and then Hyde Park/Kenwood.

He even looks at the Chicago home of Emmet Till and goes by President Obama's Chicago home in Kenwood. I like how he discusses sociology how homes are appraised. The idea that if a home is owned by an indentifiable Black owner that might get appraised less than a home owned by a white owner. Or how empty lots might help to lower the value of a home. Even the ethnic change of neighborhoods.

If you have some time to watch this one hour plus video, it's worth your time.

Friday, October 20, 2023

CapFax: Alderman attacked....

 Ald. Julia Ramirez (Ward 12) was attacked by constituents who were "protesting" a proposed tent camp in the Brighton Park neighborhood.

I would say citizens have a right to be concerned about immigrants to be housed in their communities. There have been stories out there about crime involving these immigrants who have been bused from places such as Texas primarily. Something needs to be done and there needs to be a better plan than a tent camp or just allowing them to shelter at district police stations.

What we don't need is footage of an Alderman (or Alderwoman but never Alderperson yuck) being whisked away from their constituents because of a violent mob (verbal or physical abuse). I'm glad to see today that the Brighton Park Neighborhood Council denounces the actions of the crowd.

Here's raw footage from what happened on Thurday via WGN News [VIDEO]

Monday, September 11, 2023

Rich Miller: Davis Gates’ explanation doesn’t hold up

From Rich Miller's syndicated column posted to the Capitol Fax blog this morning. It's regarding the controversy that she was sending her son to a private school as opposed to her sending him to a public school.
If Davis Gates had simply defended her family’s decision by saying something like her son really had his heart set on going to that school, then I don’t think anyone could really disagree with her choice.

Instead, the union president initially stonewalled when faced with questions and then offered up an explanation to a local public radio station which threw the South and West sides under the bus and, more importantly, just wasn’t true.

Davis Gates said basically three things last week to a WBEZ reporter: 1) Course offerings for high schools on the South Side and West Side “are very marginal and limited”; 2) Selective enrollment and magnet public high schools were just too far away and would’ve forced her son to, according to the article, “spend hours traveling”; 3) A public high school with a good soccer program (a sport played by her son) and strong extracurriculars are just not available close by, or are in Latino neighborhoods that were too far away.

Look, there’s no doubt whatsoever that problems exist in public schools on the South and West sides. But that doesn’t mean the areas are completely bereft, no matter what internet trolls scream online.

Just as a small sampling, Davis Gates lives only three miles from Gwendolyn Brooks College Prep, a high quality selective enrollment high school which has a soccer team and extracurricular activities.

Lindblom Math and Science Academy in the West Englewood neighborhood has a pretty darned good soccer team and is 6 miles from the union president’s home.

The Catholic school her son is attending, on the other hand, is almost 9 miles from Davis Gates’ home.

Not to mention the area’s charter schools, which are taxpayer-funded and privately operated.
She hadn't deleted this tweet yet in case she does it's screencapped.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Red Line extension gets $2 billion, one step closer to reality

Well this is what the Sun-Times says that $2 billion is pledged towards.

The $3.7 billion Red Line extension has “advanced to the final phase” of the painstaking, federal funding process. The feds are making a $2 billion commitment to cover half the cost and authorizing CTA to advance to the engineering stage, which CTA President Dorval Carter Jr. called the “final step ... in order to begin construction.”

The CTA hopes to award an engineering and construction contract and begin preliminary work before the end of this year, then reach the final step — a full-funding grant agreement with the feds. That would pave the way for construction of the extension and four stations to begin in 2025.

“You have heard us talk about this project for decades, but I’m here to tell you the project is now happening,” Carter told a news conference at the Red Line Extension Community Outreach Center, 401 W. 111th St.

The Red Line extension includes new stations at 103rd; 111th Street near Eggleston Avenue; along Michigan Avenue near 116th Street; and the new terminus at 130th Street near Altgeld Gardens.
Here's a WGN story about this which aired on the news yesterday. It features comments from Congresswoman Robin Kelly, Mayor Brandon Johnson, CTA Pres. Dorval Carter, and Ald. Anthony Beale as he will benefit from this new L branch. [VIDEO

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Silas Purnell College Expo - Sat. Sept. 16, 2023

The Chicago Football Classic game between Central State University & Mississippi Valley State University is today along with a HBCU college fair to take place at Soldier Field at 12 Noon. However, here's another local college fair operated by a local community association which was blasted out by state Representative Nicholas Smith.

  • Chesterfield Community Council Presents
  • The 17th Annual Silas Purnell College Expo
    Saturday, September 16, 2023
    11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
    Chicago State University
    Jones Convocation Center
    9501 S. King Drive
    Chicago, ILL
  • College, university, & trade school representatives
  • Seminars
    • Scholarships
    • HBCU Life
    • Apprenticeships
Refer to flyer below

Friday, September 1, 2023

I forgot about the Chicago Football Classic...


[VIDEO] Great to see this football game return to Soldier Field perhaps for the first time since the pandemic. This game features two football teams from Historically Black Colleges this year the game will be between Central State out of Wilberforce, Ohio vs. Mississippi Valley State out of Itta Bena, Mississippi which will start tomorrow on Saturday, Sept 2, 2023. Again sorry to be last minute on this.

Usually there are events surrounding this game which includes a college fair which will take place hours before the game at  Soldier Field in the United Club at 1410 Special Olympics Dr (perhaps this is at Soldier Field) which will start at 12 Noon tomorrow Sept, 2, 2023.

There was at the end of last month an HBCU Day at Wrigley Field which if you at least follow the IG for the Chicago-area Morehouse College Alumni organization this was also connect with the Chicago Football Classic.

Also as you see in the above clip there was a battle of the bands for both Central State & Mississippi Valley State in Daley Plaza earlier today.

Feel free to check the website

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Chicago Women in Trades Wednesday August 30, 2023

Sorry to have posted this at the very last minute since this event is to take place tomorrow. There are other events taking place in September advertised in an email blast by state Rep. Nick Smith that I would like to share with you all.

I also want to remind you of the Roseland Hospital hiring far to take place also on August 30, 2023 which I shared a flyer for that event recently as well.
  • Chicago Women in Trades
  • Interested in building a career in the trades?
    Join us for an open house at Chicago Women in Trades
    Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 4:00 PM
    2444 W. 16th Street, Suite 3E

    Chicago, IL
  • Programs start soon!
    • Pre-Apprenticeship training for construction trades
    • Hand-on Welding Programs
  • Orientation registration
Or refer to the flyer below.