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Showing posts with label immigration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label immigration. Show all posts

Saturday, July 29, 2023

ABL: DANGEROUS Illegal Aliens THREATEN Black Chicago Residents!


[VIDEO] Anthony Brian Logan isn't a Chicago resident and allow me to make that clear, he is one of those citizen YouTube personalities who talk about what's going on in the world. He's talking about Chicago and the issues of one neighborhood - particularly Woodlawn - and their issues with the migrants who have taken up residence at a neighborhood school Wadwsorth Elementary.

So he looks at a report from our local CBS affiliate WBBM-TV or CBS 2 Chicago and listen to resident comments towards city officials which include a deputy mayor, a deputy police superintendent, and an Alderman in this case Jeanette Taylor. Of course the town hall got heated though it underscores in some respects how unhappy some people in this city are with these migrants coming into their neighborhoods.

The other day I was walking around the Streeterville neighborhood, and I do believe it was noted in the WBBM-TV report. And near the intersection of St. Clair & Ohio there's a hotel there and you see these migrants (presumably I might add) just standing around loitering near the hotel and in a nearby alley. That alley is next door to a Dunkin Donuts. I'm amazed that this going on one block away from Michigan Avenue - the Magnificient Mile.

Just so that you might not be persuaded solely by the commentary offered by ABL, I will share links to the WBBM-TV report both video and a written report from the Hyde Park Herald.  [VIDEO]

Friday, June 2, 2023

Capitol Fax: Crowds ease at Mexican border, but will that lead to fewer asylum-seekers in Chicago?

 Many of us are concerned about the illegal immigrants who have been bused from such places as Texas or Florida to Chicago which is considered a "sanctuary city". This may be old news to some of you, I've heard that a lot of these immigrants are being housed in some of our closed schools, those that were closed over a decade ago.

It's been in the news that many of these illegals immigrants are sheltering in many of our district police facilities also. Just look for any local news story about them on WGN, WLS, or WBBM.

Then I see that that the number of immigrants have begun to slow at the Southern US border, does this mean less busing into Chicago? Check out today's post from CapFax

Friday, September 9, 2022

CapFax: A false equivalence, but somebody should still probably pick up a phone

 The latest news reports are now that when the migrants from Texas arrive at Union Station they get sent to the suburbs such as Burr Ridge. The Mayor of Burr Ridge is upset about it. Not a lot communication whether it's from Texas to Illinois or even Chicago to those suburban towns that are affected.

Of course as always Capitol Fax gives some more in-depth coverage of this ongoing issue.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Cap Fax: Gov. Pritzker goes after Gov. of Texas

 This is related to the ongoing issue of Texas sending migrants from the Texas/Mexico border up to Chicago as one of America's "sanctuary" cities. Via Capitol Fax today.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Capitol Fax: Texas governor expels migrants to Chicago

 Rich Miller discusses more about those migrants sent to Chicago from Texas on Wednesday. Statements form our political leaders and of course from Gov. Abbott in Texas.

My two cents is that this could add to the issues of Chicago.

CBS 2: Texas Governor Greg Abbott sends busload of migrants to Chicago


[VIDEO] More of a national news story, however, now it's beginning to affect the city adding to many of our city's other issues - especially crime. Gov. Abbott under the guise of being overwhelmed by the many border crossings by these migrants sent them to sanctuary cities such as Chicago.

What is a sanctuary city from

In general, a sanctuary city is a community with a policy, written or unwritten, that discourages local law enforcement from reporting the immigration status of individuals unless it involves investigation of a serious crime. These sanctuary communities go beyond cities, though. One can find entire counties and states declaring sanctuary status.

These communities typically do not honor requests by ICE to detain undocumented immigrants whom local agents apprehend for misdemeanor crimes or investigations. Many in sanctuary cities also refuse to deputize their local officers as federal agents, a necessary technicality if those local officers carry out the duties of ICE agents. There is no specific federal law against sanctuary city policies.

Let me add that others cities as New York City and Washington, DC that I know of had also recieved busloads of migrants fresh from the southern border. The mayors of both of those cities have expressed their own complaints.

Now it's Chicago's turn...