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Showing posts with label red line. Show all posts
Showing posts with label red line. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Roseland Plaza 115th & Michigan #tbt #Ward09

Via VanishedChicagoland FB

This is what you would've found on the vacant lot at 115th & Michigan perhaps before the mid-2000s at least. 

Of course as you can see by the cars here, this is a vintage photograph. Coffee Pot is likely in the foreground. And then the National grocery store you see in the background here.

Once the Red Line is built in this area, here's hoping we can have this block brought back to life again in the future. Retail, restaurants, hopefully some other services.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Is the Red Line extension worth it?


[VIDEO] Just found this video this morning and discusses some thing I knew was going to happen.

For example we know that bus service through the affected areas of the Red Line extention will change. Bus routings will either be combined, extended or even eliminated. So the proposed routings we see here such as extending buses into Indiana aren't very likely.

I would like to see more utilization of Metra Electric service especially within those areas that won't be directly served by CTA extension. Especially in the South Chicago/South Shore area and certainly going into West Pullman and Blue Island - further west.

And transit oriented development. I don't know about developing high density projects. High rises for example or even developing say a new neighborhood. Roseland and Altgeld Gardens aren't very desirable areas anyway.

I would say the lot at 115th/Michigan - where a stop will be located would be a great possibility for a multi-use development. I'm thinking certainly housing and retail - perhaps another grocery store and certainly businesses with the commuter in mind. So I think in that area that's a possibility of developing something that might work for the area.

Also I'd be curious how the YouTuber - BurjTransit - gets these numbers 38,000 riders are expected to use this extension once it's online. However, it's more likely that 6,000 rides would utilize the services. I'm sure the 38K comes from CTA's projection itself.

However, let's note as he had that the Red Line ridership hasn't been great post-pandemic. CTA as a whole has issues as far as rail service and certainly if you've had to take a bus anywhere in recent years.

What are your thoughts on the CTA extension? What do you think it would bring to this part of Chicago's south side?

Friday, June 21, 2024

CBS Chicago: Advance work to begin for Chicago's Red Line Extension project


[VIDEO] The work is starting and while the funding for this project isn't yet secured, I'm still hoping to ride the first trains past 95th Street in the near future. For now, construction crews are preparing to work on utilities and possible demolish properties along the extension.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Red Line extension gets $2 billion, one step closer to reality

Well this is what the Sun-Times says that $2 billion is pledged towards.

The $3.7 billion Red Line extension has “advanced to the final phase” of the painstaking, federal funding process. The feds are making a $2 billion commitment to cover half the cost and authorizing CTA to advance to the engineering stage, which CTA President Dorval Carter Jr. called the “final step ... in order to begin construction.”

The CTA hopes to award an engineering and construction contract and begin preliminary work before the end of this year, then reach the final step — a full-funding grant agreement with the feds. That would pave the way for construction of the extension and four stations to begin in 2025.

“You have heard us talk about this project for decades, but I’m here to tell you the project is now happening,” Carter told a news conference at the Red Line Extension Community Outreach Center, 401 W. 111th St.

The Red Line extension includes new stations at 103rd; 111th Street near Eggleston Avenue; along Michigan Avenue near 116th Street; and the new terminus at 130th Street near Altgeld Gardens.
Here's a WGN story about this which aired on the news yesterday. It features comments from Congresswoman Robin Kelly, Mayor Brandon Johnson, CTA Pres. Dorval Carter, and Ald. Anthony Beale as he will benefit from this new L branch. [VIDEO

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

WGN News: Man critical after being stabbed following altercation at 95th Street


[VIDEO] Yikes! Be careful out there on the Red Line.

WGN reports:

The stabbing happened on a Red Line train in the 0-100 block of West 95th Street around 11:50 p.m. Tuesday.

According to police, a 28-year-old man was in a physical altercation with a 21-year-old man on a train, when the 21-year-old took out a knife and began stabbing the 28-year-old.

The victim sustained multiple stab wounds to the stomach, head and arms and was transported to Christ Hospital in critical condition.

Police said the offender also sustained lacerations to the hands and was transported to the same hospital in good condition.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Chicago Tonight: CTA & City eyes community centric development around future Red Line extension #Ward09 #ChiMayor23


[VIDEO] I suppose this could be a question for both Paul Vallas and Brandon Johnson for the 2023 runoff, what is their position on the CTA Red Line extension. What would they be able to do to make this future extension into Ward 9/Roseland a reality?

Friday, January 20, 2023

McDonald's near 95th & Dan Ryan closed?

 I found this photo below on Facebook stating that it's now permanently closed.

Via Joe Myers on Facebook

This location has been here since the early 2000s and it was shocking within the last week to see that there was no one in the parking lot and drive through within the last two or so weeks. With it's location it's very odd that there was no one there or that it was closed.

On the other hand in the handful of times that I've been there as a customer I found that the customer service left a lot to be desired. One time I ordered something and the cashier said nothing and just pointed as if I knew what she was trying to say or ask. So my first thought was that well people finally got wind of the customer service up there and they started to lose business. Though again, this location was always jumping even if I rarely ordered any food there.

Other explanations I've seen has been about violent crime near this McDonald's say some people got shot. As you see in the above pic there is plywood over some of the windows though I don't know if there was a shooting there that affected the building or anyone inside or not.

Another explanation is that just as was done with the lots on the east side of the Red Line's 95th Terminal which used to have a Jim's polish stand, two gas stations and a strip mall, they also bought the property on the west side of the terminal. Just curious how much of this property CTA bought and can be expected to be demolished in the near future.

Regardless looking for something to eat once you get off the bus or train on 95th Street. McDonald's is now one less place to do so.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

CBS Chicago: City council approves funding for CTA Red Line extension


[VIDEO] Here are a few more details from Crain's, this TIF was noted in a recent CTA video about the future extension from 95th Street to 130th Street.

The City Council on Wednesday approved the creation of a new tax-increment financing district to create $950 million over three decades to help pay for the $3.6 billion extension of the Chicago Transit Authority's Red Line from 95th Street south to 130th Street.

“Our community has been disconnected” from the city, said Ald. Anthony Beale, 9th, whose Far South Side ward will be home to much of the extended rail line. Beale, who’s a frequent critic of Mayor Lori Lightfoot, thanked the mayor for pushing for the TIF to support the project.

The new TIF will capture future property tax growth within portions of five wards—the 3rd, 4th, 11th, 25th and downtown 42nd—to pay for land acquisition and other costs involved in the project.

The 5.6-mile extension plan also includes four new stations to be located at 103rd Street, 111th Street, Michigan Avenue (between 115th and 116th streets) and a new 130th Street terminal.

Monday, December 12, 2022

CTA Red Line extension project


[VIDEO] Obligatory update on the Red Line extension via CTA. The extension is moving forward towards securing funding. You see footage of Mayor Lightfoot announcing a TIF that would contribute towards building the Red Line extension to 130th Street. This was uploaded to CTAs YouTube channel two days ago.

We also see a concept of the new stations on the extension. Seems lofty to see at least in the distant future new residential development and a coffeeshop named for Makayla. Hmmm I seem cynical?

Well I like to see where some of these communities will be especially if projects like this come to fruition. Perhaps there will be a Makayla Coffeeshop in the community in the near future and hopefully other amenities beyond that. Wait I like the idea of a Roseland Coffee House, and right on the same lot where the old Coffee Pot restaurant used to be.

Another term that has come up in this video is equity. Equity in public transit and equity in as far as who gets contracts to build this new infrastructure.

My deal, however, is when will this project get the federal funding and go forward? 

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Block Club Chi: Red Line extension is now closer than ever

 The most recent reporting on the future Red Line extension which will take the L further south into Roseland to 130th Street. As I read this article no money has been allocated to start this project yet.

Block Club Chi:

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Save the Date: Supplemental Environmental Assessment for Red Line extension

From a recent e-mail from CTA

The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) is hosting a virtual and in-person public hearing to solicit public comments on the Supplemental Environmental Assessment (EA) and section 4(f) Evaluation. The Supplemental EA discloses design refinements to the project's Preferred Alignment and evaluates three project changes that have occurred since the publication of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in 2016. The project changes are 1) 130th Street station relocation, 2) 120th Street yard and shop refinement, and 3) 107th Place cross-over.
  • Virtual Public Hearing (via Zoom)
    Tuesday, February 15th
  • In-Person Public Hearing Thursday, February 17th
    The Salvation Army Kroc Center (1250 W. 119th St., Chicago, IL 60643)
Information regarding pre-registration and availability of the Supplemental EA and Section 4(f) Evaluation, to be made available ahead of the public hearings!

For additional information about the Red Line Extension Project, please visit the project website at, or please contact the project team at


Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Seen the new 7000 series L cars on the Red Line yet


[VIDEO] It appears they're in service on the CTA Red Line as of Monday. Chicagoland Transit on YouTube is showing these newest train sets in action either on the north side and as far south as 63rd Street. Perhaps I'll finally see these trains in action and certainly ride on one.

If you're tired of facing the aisles when you ride this train doesn't have aisle facing seating. Aside from of course priority seating for the elderly or passengers with disabilities.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

CTA Red Line extension meeting regarding the station at 130th street

 I'm sorry I haven't be able to adequately advertise these virtual townhalls regarding the CTA Red Line extension. One had just passed last night, however, regarding the proposed station at 103rd Street as you see in the flyer below. There will be two other meetings on the 103rd Street and Michigan Avenue stops later this month.

Meanwhile StreetsBlog Chicago has a recent story about the meeting about the 130th Street stop for the proposed Red Line extension

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Can't wait to see this new train on the red line extension


[VIDEO] This video was shot in October on the north side showing a test run of the future 7000-series cars that will soon be running on the Chicago L. And in spite of the title, perhaps we'll see this train running on the CTA long before construction begins on the red line extension that is still being discussed.

The horn is different as it sounds like a real horn, younger generations of Chicagoans have heard horns from trains that sound more electronic. And the design is certainly much different almost reminiscent of the old 2000-series, 2200-series or even the 2400-series (especially the colored front ends).

Another quick note according to the 7000-series page at these cars are being manufactured at a plant on 111th & Cottage Grove right in Pullman. The 2000-series cars were also constructed there in 1964, the last L cars to be constructed in Chicago.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

CTA Red Line extension project #RLEReady #Ward09

[VIDEO] CTA has a new video out about the CTA Red Line extension that is still being planned that takes the Red Line further south into Roseland and Altgeld Gardens where the final destination is 130th Street. The next critical phase for this ambitious project is construction which is expected to cost $2.3 billion half of that would come from federal funding and the rest from non-federal funding i.e from the city of Chicago, state of Illinois and/or even CTA itself.

I like these renderings of the various stops on the southbound Red Line extensions.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

CTA Dan Ryan 1969 grand opening brochures


[VIDEO] I enjoyed this look back at the L as it was over 51 years ago. The unveiling of then new bright shiny object on CTA. The line many riders might complain about over the years. One of the busiest on the system. Its been through many changes, but I wonder if this compares to it's grand opening.

Also artistmac made a quick shot at the fact that 50 years later the L still hadn't been extended further south since then. However, plans are in motion though most won't be happy until those plans are executed finally.

I look forward to the future grand opening of the Red Line extension.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

CTA Red Line extension update

Rendering 103rd Street Red Line station - CTA 
Over at The Sixth Ward on Tuesday I shared a tweet to a Curbed Chicago article with regards to various upcoming transit projects throughout the city. One project that many who live near the 95th terminal is the planned CTA Red Line extension. One reason that Curbed article was of interest to me is the seeming progress in which case is to merely fund engineering & design work.

Of course the reason for this interest is mainly the safety and activity of the area. The 95th terminal is one of the busiest of the CTA. The CTA Red Line connects with not only CTA and Pace suburban bus routes, also intercity bus services with Greyhound and Indian Trails buses. So there's definitely a lot of activity there especially during the week.

The main thing is building this extension further south to the city's southern limits might mean less activity at 95th. Or perhaps hopefully for local leaders in the community less opportunities for criminal activity. Either way another stated and important purpose for this extension is to cut commuting times for those individuals who must use public transit who must travel to other parts of the city.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Metra Electric ride-along #fbf

[VIDEO] Remember a few years ago that I had shared a video of the CTA Red Line where you would see the whole journey from 95th Street to Howard Street on the north side. What you see above was published on Metra's YouTube channel in May 2017.

In this case you will see the journey of the Metra Electric train from University Park in Will County through the south suburbs and into the city to the Millenium Park station in downtown Chicago just under Randolph Street.

If you want to see it's journey through the south side of Chicago just skip to about 30 mins into this one hour video. Basically you'll see the communities of Ward 9 from about 130th to 95th roughly on it's journey. Of course if you continue watching until it goes into downtown Chicago you will see Hyde Park and Bronzeville along the way.

And it's also interesting to note that this line which also has branches west into Blue Island and east to the South Chicago neighborhood has been part of proposals to become part of the CTA as the grey line. It was also cited as an alternative to building the Red Line extension by a candidate for mayor of Chicago.

Metra Electric Map

Monday, November 26, 2018

Did you see the pedestrian bridge over 95th?

[VIDEO] Well this is old news, but for the last week if you've been driving along 95th Street across the Dan Ryan Expressway you see a bridge over the street. It's a pedestrian bridge that will connect the new south terminal with the original north terminal.

I did a quick snapshot when I noticed the bridge and finally posted it to our IG page. I think some of the structure for the bridge was staged at the old service station at 95th & State before it was eventually put up.

Thanks to the continuing work at 95th according to WGN:
Drivers along 95th Street will notice lane reconfigurations for the next 2-3 weeks as crews work to put the glass enclosures and flooring in place. For the latest details, visit
Here's our ig post