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Showing posts with label activities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label activities. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2024

Clevan Tucker R.I.P.

If you've never heard of Mr. Clevan Tucker, he was the longtime President of the Roseland Heights Community Association. In addition he was also a former CPS teacher and a small business owner. He passed away late in the month of March

He was known to me as person interested in the issues of Abbot Park, which is the local park at 95th & Michigan. He was at one point on the Advisory Council there, and he became President of the RHCA at some point in the last decade.

Mr. Tucker was very good at getting information out and you would be well versed in neighborhood issues if you were on his many email blasts. He most certainly will be missed.

My apologies for not noting this sooner. His funeral occurred on April 12, 2024 and sadly I wasn't able to attend. However, it was important for me to not let the month of April go by without acknowledging his transition and his accomplishments.

Thanks to the acting president of the Roseland Heights Community Association for allowing me to share information on Mr. Tucker.

My condolences to his family and friends.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

DNA Info: Roseland Teens Help Fix Up Abandoned Homes To Rent

Something you may have seen on our ig
I think this is what we'd all like to see more of in our communities. No more stories about the youth causing trouble in our neighborhoods more about them deciding to help build it back up. That's what the young men in this story are doing.
Simeon Career Academy senior Hakeem Day would rather be working with his hands than in the streets.

“I’ve been interested in construction since I was a little kid and this gives me the opportunity to practice for the future because I plan on doing this in the future,” said the 18-year-old Roseland resident.

He is getting that opportunity through a new youth and trades After School Matters program.

Aaron Mallory, 28, of Roseland started the program through his nonprofit God Restoring Order, or G.R.O. He’s working with a group of high school teens from schools including Simeon, Morgan Park and the Noble charter schools

The goal is to improve the community one block at a time by rehabbing the abandoned homes, and Mallory is doing just that with the help of local teens. They’re finishing up work on their first home near 109th Street and Wentworth Avenue.
The reporter for this story Andrea Watson has a poll up asking "Should our teens learn the trades?" My answer would be yes, we need carpenters, mechanics, pipe fitters, plumbers, etc. Trades in addition to helping our young people get into college. Different programs and different options.

At that learn a trade and be a value to our community and earn some community service credits. I forgot about getting valuable job experience.

Read the whole thing.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

3M Explorers Club Testimonial "My Block, My Hood, My City

[VIDEO] I could fully support this, getting young people out of their element in their neighborhoods and seeing how big this city truly is. Whereever you're from people in other parts of the city aren't living like you. Young people could learn this as much as anyone else.

You may live in a depressed low-income community but you should see how more middle-class or working-class people live. Better yet see how much more wealthier people live. Basic idea, perhaps you can see yourself heading up such households.

Better yet, this young person Noah had his eyes opened being exposed to different parts of the city it's allowed him to go away to Prairie State A & M University in Texas where he's studying marketing. He discusses the impact of Jahmal Cole's Explorer's Club on him. So apparently Cole has had two go to college, hopefully we might see more success as the years go by.

Hopefully we'll see further activities by the Explorer's Club. BTW, it's about time I buy some apparel as well. It will support these activities.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

My Block My Hood My City explorers...

[VIDEO] On this blog we posted video from Jahmal Cole's trip to Altgeld Garden. This was something he recorded in the fall last year. Today he shows us another facet of his My Block My Hood My City.

He takes teens on explorations around the city. Cole likes to say you can travel the world in Chicago as there are many different cultures who live in this city. So he takes teens to Chinatown, Greektown, Pilsen and other destinations. Basically he seeks to take teens from their neighborhoods and have them see the rest of the world.

As an aside I did show a video where the red line ventures to once it leaves the south side starting from 95th Street. Beyond this part of town there is a much larger world.

Is this something you could support?