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Showing posts with label elgie sims. Show all posts
Showing posts with label elgie sims. Show all posts

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Coming events: Job opportunity and a shred day

 There's some good information at Concerned Citizens of Chatham. And hopefully it's something you could use. Starting with a coming job fair on May 6, 2024 at the old Target store 11841 S. Marshfield which is currently the Blue Cross Blue Shield Morgan Park facility.

Blue Cross Blue Shield Morgan Park is having OPEN interviews hiring on the spot Monday, May 6, at 10am. *Bring updated resumes (copies).

*Google "STAR Interview" which will help you prepare for the interview.

Customer Advocate I is the position. Duties: speaking with members regarding insurance needs.

*Interview question examples:
They will ask the question what would you do in a situation where you had to help someone?
How you would you work to resolve matters?
*Again, google for examples.

Bring a nice personality, a smile and speak to everyone you come in contact with at the office. *Dress code: Business casual.

Also mark your calendars on June 1, 2024 a Shred Day is being hosted by State Sen. Elgie Sims and County Commissioner Stanley Moore at 8233 S. Princeton Ave.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Free Shred Day - Sat. June 17, 2023

Sponsored by state Sen. Elgie Sims, Commissioner Stanley Moore and the new Ward 6 Ald. William Hall

This is to take place at
  • 8253 S. Princeton Ave.
    Chicago, Illinois 60620
Contact info for those public officials who are sponsoring this event to dispose of any documents & paperwork is on the flyer below.

This is to make up for the fact that I forgot to share with you Ald. Beale's Shred Day which took place yesterday on June 10, 2020 at the Pullman Community Center. If anyone knows of any other shredding events feel free to send them to me via email.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Free Shred Day at Gately Stadium Parking Lot

 Just found this recently at the fb page for state Rep. Nick Smith. Here's another day for those of you with excess documents or papers that you want to get rid of.

  • Free Shred Day
    Saturday, June 11, 2022
    From 10:00 AM to  1:00 PM
    Gately Stadium Parking Lot
    102nd & Corliss Ave 
Or is this off 103rd Street. Well the Track & Field Center at Gately Park is 10201 S. Cottage Grove, however, Gately Stadium is seen off of 103rd across the street from Corliss High School. Hope this helps however, refer to the contact information for the public officials involved with this event that you will see on this flyer. In addition to to Rep. Smith, you have Ward 8 Ald. Michelle Harris, state Sen. Elgie Sims, and county Commissioner Stanley Moore participating in this event.

Monday, December 21, 2020

CPS Holiday Meal Giveaways

The below image is from state Sen. Elgie Sims email blast. Regarding CPS Holiday Break Meal Giveaways. Want to know locations visit or call 773.553.KIDS (5437).

Before Christmas you can pick up your meal kids on Monday thru Wednesday or December 21st thru 23rd this week from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at a mealsite near you.

These are a few nearby mealsites:

  • BROOKS HS - 250 E 111TH ST
  • BURNSIDE - 650 E 91ST PL
  • CORLISS HS - 821 E 103RD ST
  • GARVEY - 10309 S MORGAN ST


Friday, December 14, 2018

Tribune: Mayor Rahm Emanuel floats port district land as Chicago casino location #Serving17

Even though Rahm Emanuel will only remain mayor until May 2019, he seems to be coming up with some proposals. He's still trying to use what's left of his political heft to come up with some ideas for the city:
Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday floated a port district site on the Far Southeast Side as the possible location for a Chicago casino, if state lawmakers finally grant the city the long-sought gambling palace.

In a meeting with the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board, Emanuel noted his “love-hate” relationship with the idea of a casino but said if the city finally builds one it should be away from the Loop and McCormick Place. Instead, he said it should bring economic development to an area of the city that needs it, before floating an Illinois International Port District site near Pullman as “an example.”

The land, just off the 111th Street exit on the Bishop Ford Freeway, currently is home to the Harborside International golf course with some harbor operations and terminals nearby on Lake Calumet. The port district that owns the land is a joint city-state entity.

“If you go down to the port authority where the golf course is, there’s enough land there for both a hotel and a casino,” Emanuel said. “That would be a big boon economically to the Southeast Side of the city.”

Emanuel made the remarks on the same day he gave a speech to aldermen on his recommendations to address the city’s pension funding shortfalls moving forward. The mayor’s plan included revenue from a proposed Chicago casino as part of the answer.
Personally I'm with this, who says a proposed casino has to be in or near downtown Chicago. Put one in a neighborhood that's struggling. In this case Pullman, and then again hopefully there are other proposals.

However, to be honest it seems like forever that there's been discussions of a Chicago casino that seems to have a tendency to fall through. So perhaps deciding on a site or finally building one will still take years. Wait and see I suppose.

h/t to state Sen. Elgie Sims FB page hence why I used the #Serving17 hashtag.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

17th District Legislative Resource Fair

The flyer below you might have seen in an e-mail blast however more details are contained on state senate Elgie Sims' official webpage. On the agenda according to a flyer you'd see on his webpage are resources that includes youth employment & summer programming, senior & veteran services, wellness checks, property ownership, job readiness and more.

  • Thursday June 7, 2018
    6:00 PM to 8:30 PM

  • South Central Community Services
    1021 East 83rd Street
Call Elgie Sims' office in Chicago @ 773.933.7715 or his Springfield office @ 217.782.3201

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Thank you Sen. Donne Trotter

Illinois state capitol - Springfield
In portions of Chicago's 9th Ward Donne Trotter's 34 state senate district covers and area north and easy of the Bishop Ford/Calumet Expressway. So that means he covers Chatham, Chesterfield, West Chesterfield, Roseland Heights, & Pullman.

On Friday he announced his retirement from the Illinois state senate effective immediately. Rich Miller who writes the Capitol Fax blog and newsletter wrote this for the Sun-Times yesterday:
He was the Senate Democrats’ top point person on appropriations for years, and that “budgeteer” status gave him the access and the power to help shape the government in incremental measures with every new state budget. His contributions cannot be minimized. From KidCare, to things like clean needle exchanges, mental health programs, HIV programs – pretty much anything whatsoever to do with improving the health of people in Illinois – Trotter (who has a master’s degree in Health Policy of Jurisprudence from Loyola Law School and was an administrator at Cook County Hospital) has been part of it.

Trotter is also well known for his mentorship of young African Americans. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched him stop a conversation among older people to make sure a young black person’s voice was heard.

Rep. Elgie Sims (D-Chicago) is probably one of his most successful mentorships. Sims served on the Senate appropriations staff under Trotter, then became the caucus’ budget director and, after law school, became a state representative who is now chairman of the House Judiciary Criminal Law Committee.
As reported over at Concerned Citizens of Chatham, there is an expectation that Elgie Sims may be Trotter successor to the 34th district seat in the state senate. Continuing:
Sen. Trotter got his political start with Congressman Ralph Metcalfe’s 1974 campaign. Later, Trotter helped register tens of thousands of voters for Harold Washington’s 1983 mayoral campaign. The late Chicago political expert Paul Green used to tell the story about how Mayor Washington was duly impressed when only two voters in Trotter’s assigned precinct cast their ballots for one of the other mayoral candidates.

Trotter thought his big move to the Illinois General Assembly would happen in 1986, when then-Rep. Carol Moseley-Braun decided to run for lieutenant governor. He backed out of the race when the future U.S. senator decided not to run statewide. Instead, Trotter wound up being elected to the House in 1988, after Moseley-Braun was elected Cook County recorder of deeds.

The new legislative district map in 1991 forced him to run for the Senate the following year, where he has served ever since. Trotter turned out to be far more suited to the Senate (he often chafed under House Speaker Michael Madigan’s rule) and quickly became an indispensable member of Senate Democratic Leader Emil Jones’ team. When Jones was elected Senate president, Trotter’s power increased exponentially.
Below is the post from Concerned Citizens of Chatham and we have at least 30 days for Democrat bosses in 34th district to determine who will succeed Trotter.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Whole Foods Market distribution facility open in Pullman

This all occurred yesterday including the bread breaking which is what they do when they open new stores. For example they did the same thing upon opening the Whole Foods store at 63rd/Halsted. This is from the Mayor's ig page.
And also Elgie Sims - state representative of the 34th District for Illinois - was also in on the action and also posted a college of pics on his ig page also.

Here are some related tweets to this event from some local media sources

Friday, June 30, 2017

West Chesterfield on the recent Walgreen's closure in the neighborhood

Crossposted from The Sixth Ward
347 E. 95th Street - June 2017
Unfortunately I didn't get the chance to go to the recent meeting hosted by state Rep. Elgie Sims on the Walgreen's store that closed on Tuesday Jun. 27th at 95th/King Drive. However I'm glad that the West Chesterfield Community Association was able to share a quick report on their fb page. That report is embedded below

Friday, January 24, 2014

Since the "polar vortex" weather is back

I originally posted this information over at The Sixth Ward on January 6, 2013 during the first "polar vortex" episode. So this information remains important. Please remember if you need transportation to or information on the nearest warming center call 311.

State Rep. Elgie Sims (District 34) provides some more resources with regards to the weather in a recent email
Please use the following resources to keep you safe and warm:
  • Keep warm Illinois
    • A website aimed at identifying warming centers around the state and other information necessary to assist with keeping warm during the cold months of the year.
  • Getting around Illinois
    • The website will provide residents and motorists with information regarding the status of our roads. 
  • ComED energy assistance
    • Customers are encouraged to notify ComED as quickly as possible if they experience an outage. 
    • Customers can text OUT to 26633 to report any outages and receive restoration information, or they can contact ComED by calling 1-800-EDISON-1.
And as always this:
Please check on elderly neighbors and make sure that you and any children under your care are sufficiently bundled up if you must go outside.  Please do not forget pets and keep them indoors during these extreme conditions.
Be careful out there everyone! Stay safe and warm!